Modern Work

Defence of Depth

Microsoft 365 for business

The evolution of modern work and new working practices have redefined our daily routines. Microsoft 365 for business, along with its full product stack, stands as the perfect engine to drive this transformation. With powerful tools like Microsoft Viva, SharePoint and Teams, all fortified by robust security, compliance and threat detection, Microsoft 365 for business offers the ideal modern workplace platform for businesses of all kinds.

Leveraging our extensive experience in modern work and proficiency in implementation, migration, and optimisation, Ingentive is here to help our clients unleash the full potential of Microsoft 365 for their workforce. Our tailored managed services ensure ongoing support for your environment. Recognised globally by Microsoft with six prestigious awards, our expertise is your assurance of excellence.

Explore what Microsoft 365 for business can do for you with Ingentive:

  • Teams Apps and Solutions: Unlock the potential of custom Teams applications to mobilise your workforce.
  • Frontline Worker Solutions: Empower remote and frontline workers with the right tools, seamlessly connecting them to the organisation.
  • Teamwork Optimisation: Maximise the benefits of Microsoft Teams for business as a powerful communication and collaboration tool for your team.

Reimagine modern work productivity

Experience the epitome of modern work, collaboration, and productivity through Microsoft 365, Teams and Viva. Microsoft 365 for business offers an arsenal of potent productivity applications, including Teams, OneDrive, OneNote and Planner. Serving as a centralised hub for communication, collaboration and project management, Microsoft 365 for business brings your team together, fostering unprecedented efficiency.

At Ingentive, we recognise the distinct challenges each client encounters. That is why we veer away from one-size-fits-all solutions, opting instead to craft tailor-made solutions designed specifically for our clients. Step into the future of productivity – reimagine it today!

Custom Apps

Embark on a productivity transformation with our custom-built applications to enhance your modern work. Let us reshape your Microsoft Teams experience as we have during our collaborations with leading companies in the UK and beyond. Get in touch and discover how we can redefine productivity specifically for you.

Ideation Workshops

Our Ideation Workshops are designed to inspire fresh perspectives on collaboration and employee experiences within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Gain valuable insights and reimagine the way you work. For many clients, these workshops are available fully funded, providing a risk-free opportunity to kickstart your transformative journey. Let’s innovate together—get started with Ingentive.

Evaluation & Validation

Unlock business growth by aligning challenges with innovative solutions through Ingentive’s specialised Discovery and Assessment process. Our approach includes crafting a compelling business case, marking the beginning of a transformative journey where insightful assessments pave the way for strategic growth. Trust Ingentive to guide you toward a future defined by innovation and business excellence.


Embark on a journey tailored for success with Ingentive’s agile design and implementation methodology. Our approach ensures precision and flexibility, delivering solutions finely tuned to your business needs. Our seasoned experts work collaboratively with you at every stage, ensuring a smooth and effective deployment. Choose Ingentive for a transformative experience grounded in a proven and dynamic methodology.

Project Delivery

Realise success in project delivery by adopting an agile approach. Our BOOST methodology seamlessly aligns collaborative transformation with robust project governance, ensuring a dynamic and effective project journey. Let us navigate your projects with agility and precision – choose Ingentive for a transformative development of your modern work.

Ongoing Support

Experience the full potential of Microsoft 365 for business with Ingentive’s Managed Services. Our team provides dedicated support for your Microsoft 365 environment, ensuring seamless operations, proactive issue resolution and continual optimisation. Whether it is fine-tuning configuration, security compliance or providing feature updates, Ingentive’s Manged Services go beyond routine support to enhance your Microsoft 365 experience, empowering our clients to thrive in the digital landscape.


How can Viva help your business?

Viva Insights

Introducing Microsoft Viva Insights, your ally for supporting employee wellbeing and boosting productivity. This innovative tool provides data-driven insights and analytics, enabling individuals and teams to better manage their work habits. By harnessing the power of Viva Insights, you can foster a healthier and more productive work environment, ensuring that your teams thrive with a mindful and balanced approach to their work.

Viva Connections

Ingentive helps bring to life the transformative potential of Microsoft Viva Connections. This innovative solution creates a personalised central hub for employees, granting easy access to news, announcements and essential company information. Ingentive, with our wealth of experience, ensures the seamless integration of Viva Connections, curating content from various sources to present it in a user-friendly interface. Together, we forge connections and deliver an engaging employee experience that reflects the heart of your organisation.

Viva Learning

Ingentive joins forces with Microsoft Viva Learning to promote continuous learning and skill development with your modern work. Viva Learning serves as a centralised platform, curated by Ingentive, offering employees easy access to training resources, online courses and learning materials. Leveraging content from Microsoft Learn, LinkedIn Learning and other third-party providers, Ingentive and Viva Learning create an enriched learning environment. Empower your workforce to grow and thrive through a seamlessly integrated learning experience.

Viva Topics

Ingentive, in collaboration with Microsoft Viva Topics, leverages AI-driven technology to streamline knowledge discovery and sharing across Microsoft 365 for business. Viva Topics automatically organises and connects information, creating topic cards for specific subjects. This accelerates information retrieval, encourages knowledge sharing and fosters collaboration. With Microsoft Viva, seamlessly integrated by Ingentive, productivity, communication and learning converge to inspire a united team and enhance employee wellbeing. Elevate your workplace experience with Ingentive and Viva Topics.

Modern work
Microsoft Viva merges productivity, communication and learning effortlessly fostering a united and inspired team, while boosting employee wellbeing and modern work.

Microsoft Teams for business

As a leading Microsoft Partner, Ingentive provides invaluable support in optimising the benefits of Microsoft Teams for enhanced collaboration and communication. Our expertise shines through personalised guidance, assisting businesses in tailoring Teams setup to meet specific requirements. Understanding our clients’ objectives, we offer insights on structuring Teams, channels and integrations, ensuring optimal functionality and streamlined workflows. Moreover, Ingentive offers training sessions to empower our clients’ teams in leveraging Microsoft

Teams’ features, including virtual meetings, document collaboration and task management. We introduce best practice for seamless communication and guide your team in unlocking modern work’s full potential.

Microsoft Teams transforms communication and collaboration, bringing teams closer than ever. Immerse yourself in a more efficient and connected way of working with Ingentive and Microsoft Teams for business.

Want to learn more about how we have transformed businesses with Microsoft Teams? Read our story with Menzies Aviation here.

Microsoft Teams helps streamline communication and collaboration, bringing teams closer than ever. Dive into a more efficient and connected way of working.

Microsoft SharePoint for business

Microsoft SharePoint, a cornerstone of business collaboration, is harnessed to its full potential with the expertise of Ingentive with your modern work. This versatile platform offers streamlined document management, collaborative communication and efficient workflow automation. SharePoint’s customisable solutions seamlessly integrate with Office apps, and data-driven insights are effortlessly delivered through Power BI.

Ingentive adds value by ensuring robust security measures and user-friendly search features, guaranteeing data protection, compliance and swift content discovery. SharePoint, in collaboration with Ingentive, emerges as a comprehensive tool enhancing efficiency across diverse facets of business operations. Elevate your business collaboration experience with Ingentive and SharePoint.

So why use Ingentive?

At Ingentive, we specialise in tailoring SharePoint to align seamlessly with your business needs, ensuring optimised document management, collaboration and automation. Our proficiency extends to advanced features like workflow automation and integration, amplifying your system’s efficiency.

Experience the power of custom solutions within SharePoint, meticulously crafted to harmonise with your unique workflows. We deftly navigate security intricacies and compliance, ensuring data protection while facilitating smooth external sharing. With us, unleash SharePoint’s potential for data-driven insights and mobile accessibility, transforming decision-making and remote collaboration.

Partnering with Ingentive means tapping into our profound SharePoint knowledge to magnify its advantages for your business. Let our expertise elevate SharePoint into a strategic tool, empowering your organisation with enhanced productivity, collaboration, and innovation. Elevate your business with Ingentive and SharePoint. Contact us today to start your Sharepoint journey and modernise your workplace.

Microsoft 365 for Front Line Workers

Ingentive stands at the forefront of addressing the unique challenges experienced by front-line workers, recognised globally with prestigious awards. Our commitment to technical excellence in front-line worker solutions has earned us finalist positions twice in the last three years. Notably, we’ve also been acknowledged in Teams Apps and Solutions, Teamwork, and Security categories.

Partner with Ingentive for award-winning solutions that elevate your front-line operations, offering innovation, technical prowess and a steadfast commitment to overcoming challenges faced by front-line workers. Choose Ingentive to empower your front-line workforce in a dynamic and demanding environment.

Ideation Workshop

Embark on a funded journey of exploration with Ingentive’s Ideation Workshops. We offer a unique opportunity to kickstart your innovation journey, taking a deep dive into your organisation. Our workshops are designed to uncover insights, explore untapped potential and spark creative solutions. Let us be your catalyst for innovation, turning ideas into actionable strategies that drive your organisation forward. Join us in shaping a future where your vision becomes reality.

Front Line Worker Pilot

Join us on a transformative journey with Ingentive’s funded Front-Line Worker Pilots. Designed for qualifying clients, our pilot programs provide a risk-free opportunity to kickstart your efforts in empowering your front-line workforce. Experience the impact firsthand as we work closely with you to tailor solutions that meet the unique needs of your front-line operations. Let Ingentive be your partner in driving innovation and efficiency on the front lines. Seize this opportunity to elevate your workforce with our fully funded pilot programs.

Viva Funded Pilots

Being a leading Viva partner, we have access to funded workshops for both Viva Goals and Viva Insights to assist you in launching your journey towards enhancing your clients’ employee experience and creating a more modern workplace.

End to End Delivery

The Ingentive workshops and pilots mark just the initial steps in your journey. Leveraging our expertise and strong partnership connections, we stand ready to assist you in delivering comprehensive solutions across the entire Microsoft 365 product stack and beyond.

Next Steps

Looking to create lasting positive impact with employees

Looking to maximise our investment in Microsoft 365 for business

Looking to find new ways of engaging and informing 

Looking to move away from costly legacy systems 

Looking to use the best technologies at the best price with strong partner support

Looking to create realistic and achievable goal based targets for your company

Looking to use technology to solve issues with front line workers

As a trusted Elite Microsoft partner, we have access to multiple limited-funded pilots across the Microsoft 365 key areas, including Viva and Front Line Workers.  These pilots are a great way to test how to move forward away from legacy systems and costly technical debt. Get in touch today if any of the above applies to you!

Success Story

Derbyshire Constabulary

The Challenge
We joined forces with Derbyshire Constabulary to revolutionise the way they work. Together, we created a cutting-edge solution that leverages the power of Microsoft Teams, utilising the technology the Constabulary already had in place.
Our Solution
The new system now allows for a seamless transfer of all elements related to planner tasks, including standard information, attachments, comments, and any other relevant information, from the source plan to the destination plan – all within the same team.
They’re the experts in Microsoft products, we trust and utilise the Ingentive expertise and experience to digitally transform.
Richard McGregor - Head of Digital Performance

Ready to get started?

Get in touch today to find out how you can get started on your journey with Ingentive.